Values-based: Career and Life Changes that make Sense.

Interview with LearningNowTV here

This short, practical book helps you identify core pain points and then helps you do something about them. We go deep and then make it practical so you can make the kind of change that is going to start moving things in a better direction. Work towards that bigger contribution, that legacy, the sort of world you would like to create (you used to have dreams, remember? That’s what I mean. Let’s start doing stuff to make them real.)

In this book:

  1. Discover your core values and how fulfilled they are (or not…)
  2. Identify pain points you want to address
  3. Meet fellow travelers (examples) and see how this played out for them
  4. Gain clarity what do address first and how to go about this (in alignment with your values)
  5. Make it happen: Develop a daily practice, deepen your decision making practice
  6. Rope in others and get support. Rally your folks.